Wednesday, November 5, 2008

//Update -- Mention of the film "Dead Man's Shoes"

Sorry for the absentness. I'm currently working full-time as always, so it's hard to keep up with my blog.

I am still movie-watchin', so I'm sure soon there will be a review. Especially for the film Dead Man's Shoes-- a film that has been sort of my most thought-provoked lately.

In short, it's a great film.. sort of on the likes of Taxi Driver mixed with Death Wish. I don't know if that's correct in other opinions, but it surely reminded me of those two films. Paddy Considine (co-star of Hot Fuzz) stars as the main lead, Richard, while also co-writing with director Shane Meadows. A film about a man coming home from the Army to bury his younger brother Anthony, who is somewhat mentally challenged.
Richard is haunted by his brother's ghost, who seems to be informing him of the men responsible.

The viewer slowly gets to see Richard slip into an empty void, as he feels responsible for leaving his brother behind to enlist in the Army. As he slowly stalks and hunts down the men responsible, we are treated with black and white flashbacks of the events prior to Anthony's death.

Unlike most revenge/vigilante flicks, this one is different. Everything Richard's brother Anthony went through because of the gang, gets turned around on them. The gang enjoyed Anthony being their play-thing; getting him high off of various drugs, physical and verbal abuse, etc. Richard enflicts this punishment onto them in such a brilliant way, that we can't hope but feel he's doing the right thing--until the final minutes of the film.

Trust me, there is more than meets the eye with this one.

//Chi Cheng -- My prayers go out to you, your family, and your band mates.

The Sanfransico Bee reported Chi Cheng, 38, was involved in a serious car accident leaving him in a coma--on Monday, November 3rd. He currently plays bass for Deftones and is a well-respected poet. Bandmate and singer of Deftones, Chino Moreno, has reported that Chi is in serious, but stable condition. There hasn't been any more updates since Chino's statement, but I'm sure an update will come in the following days.

Chi Cheng-- my prayers go out to you and your family.

From all of us fans, we hope the best for you, and can not wait to have you back and well.

Love you man,
